Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Portrait of the Artist as a Yo-yo Man

Portrait of the Artist as a Yo-yo Man is a delightful show with yo-yos, paddle balls, folding chairs, and paper moving.  Paper moving?  Yes, paper moving.  Paper moving is awesome.  The stunts are amazing, but what makes this show a must-see is the storytelling.  Yo-yo Man David Harris wizard tells a sweet coming of age story that gives hope to nerds everywhere.   It's classic Minnesota Fringe.  Part vaudeville, part spoken-word, part-stand up, and near impossible to describe. 

Harris' sideman, 15 year-old drummer Sam Mistral, is quite the comedian himself.  The artist's page recommends this show for ages 16 and up, but I would feel very comfortable bringing an 11 or 12 year old.  Both the Saturday and Monday shows sold out the tiny Rarig Xperimental Theatre, so I would recommend reserving your tickets.

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