Friday, August 8, 2014

Jumpin' Jack Kerouac at the 2014 Minnesota Fringe Festival

In Jumpin' Jack Kerouac, at the Rarig Proscenium, choreographer Windy Bowlsby takes on the challenge of teaching a bunch of veteran Fringe writers to dance. The Fringe preview gave the impression that the show might be played for laughs, but the whole production was done with sincerity and commitment. The result is a show that is a celebration of the collaborative spirit of the Fringe Festival itself.

Jumpin' Jack Kerouac ends up being a show about getting out of your head and trying something new, with some pretty darn good dancing. John Heimbuch and Tim Uren's dance "Fathers/Sons" is one of the most genuinely moving moments of this year's Fringe.

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